Excel Formula For Text-Separate First Name and Last name In Excel

Excel Formula For Text-Separate First Name and Last Name in Excel

Have you ever tried to separate three different text strings from one Excel cell into 3 separate cells? Or even just separate first name and last name in Excel. If you only have a couple of cells that need adjusting then cutting and pasting the text you need to separate is no problem.

But what if you have a 1,000 rows of data that need separating? You can't just cut and paste them all or you'll be there all week, never mind the mindless boredom you'll face as you repeat the process 3,000 times!

You need a better approach. This is where the Excel formulas of LEFT, RIGHT,MID, FIND and LEN come into play to make your life so much easier and faster. Using these functions in the correct way can streamline your work flow and change mindless tasks into fast and efficient tasks. 

In this quick video you'll learn the formulas for separating 3 text strings from one Excel cell into three separate cells. For example, say you have a cell that contains the following:

excel formula

But you want it to look like this:

excel formula
Now as we mentioned previously, cutting and pasting could work. However, if you have hundreds or thousands of rows of data you need another option. We have put together a small video to show you exactly how do this and the exact formulas to use.

 How To Seperate Text From Cell Into 3 Separate Cell In Excel 2010


IDR Walkthrough Program
